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5 ideas on how to stand out in saturated freelance niches and marketplaces

How to Stand Out in Saturated Freelance Niches and marketplaces

Imagine coming across freelance niches known for their extravagant income generating activities. There are gigs that can go as far as multiplying your income by an extreme amount in those freelance niches and marketplaces. 

It’s always like that in every sector of freelancing. Whether you are a graphics designer, freelance writer, social media manager, virtual assistant or anything in the freelancing world, there are clients in a niche one could never say no to. 

They offer you responsibilities as well as opportunities surrounding networking and improving your freelancing career. So, where can you find this kind of client? 

Simple, these kinds of clients usually don’t want to be found. They find freelancers that have a proof of work in their industry and work with them directly. 

And even if you are going to find them, you would have to face intense competition in that niche you are looking to put your work into.  

Saturated niches are niches where most freelancers delve into because of the quality of returns they have experienced or seen other freelancers get from it. However, the competition in this niche is always very intense. 

In this article, we are going to discuss how a freelancer can get around freelancing in super saturated niches and squash the intensity of the competition. 

What are the top Saturated Freelance Niches?

There are niches newbie freelancers will find difficult to get into. Reason being that, those people at the helm of these industries are experts in the field. Then, you start to imagine how much work they have put in before reaching the stages in this industry. 

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Similarly, these industries have an extreme number of newbies looking to find their way out of these saturated niches. So, where is the pass for a newbie? Very soon we will discuss that. 

Finance, Health and education are three of the highest paying industries to freelancers in the world. But guess what? These niches are already inhabiting lots of freelancers. Probably, even a lot more than they can offer. 

Then you look at the likes of fashion and lifestyle which a lot of influencers run to again, which are also very saturated and difficult to get into. 

How to Differentiate Yourself in Saturated Freelance Niches

1. Start with Specialization

The best thing you can do for yourself when going into a saturated Niche is to specialise yourself in the niche. Specialists are regarded with a lot of respect in a competitive market. 

That is instead of going for that general market everyone is going for, why not just go for that part in the market people can not also do without yet has a significant salary. 

Also, another thing in niche specialization is that you get familiar with that part as soon as possible. In fact, by following trends and keeping up with the trends of your specialized area, you can easily rise up to the stage of an expert in the specialized area and from there you take it up with the other areas of the niche. 

2. Create a UVP

UVP, fully known as a unique value proposition or otherwise, unique selling proposition is that strategy or offer you give to clients that different your work in the industry. Of course, this must be something around the delivery of your service. 

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No matter what the competition in a certain industry looks like, once you can boast of a unique value proposition that works, then you can easily find your way around the market. 

Research shows that clients in the same line of delivery think alike. So, the best thing you can do is to look out for what these clients need as a plus with their services which you can offer them and only a few people are already doing. 

After researching and establishing your unique selling proposition, make sure you include it in your portfolio or cover letter in a place where it can gain maximum enthusiasm from your proposed clients. 

Also, if you have worked in the industry before, you should look out for that part you delivered the most and turn it into your absolute strength. Funny enough, your strength on that project might be totally different from others. 

3. High Quality Delivery 

Nothing is more important than delivering high quality content to clients in this industry. With a boastful work experience in the niche, you have already eliminated over 70% of the competition  in your niche. 

So, always take your absolute time on a client’s projects, look for ways to get things done the best and follow the industry trend. Also, don’t leave out the part where you have to present to work with an astonishing delivery. 

If possible, make sure you exceed your clients expectations and add your unique value proposition as a part that can not easily overlooked. Most important of all, keep up with the trends in the industry. 

4. Personal Branding

I can proudly say one of the things that keeps me in this industry is personal banding. Developing a brand that can stand out is another way to differentiate yourself in the industry. 

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Personal branding, combined with proof of work is that strength you need to prime yourself in any niche. Of course, let people see your brand name and feel like this is something we wouldn’t be able to compete with anytime soon. 

Look at Jordan Hughes, anytime people see stuff around “Untitled design”, even without Hughes claiming it, they immediately push it on his neck. 

5. Upgrade Your Skills

See, there are clients out there looking to hire freelancers and the only thing keeping them in the face of the job market is expertise. Simply speaking, no client wants to hire a mediocre one when there are better skilled individuals that would totally deliver on their jobs. That’s why you must dedicate time to learn some soft skills. Those soft skills are your hidden secrets to success in saturated freelance niches and marketplaces. Please check out this article on The Role of Soft Skills in Securing High-Paying Freelance Gigs – 6 Importance.

There is always room for improvement, hence, endeavor to always learn and unlearn your skills in any part of your industry. You can take update courses online, attend industry seminars and conferences, or become an active member of a community around your service. 


Freelancing is already saturated, then there are sectors like writing and designing that are just already overloaded. Yet, freelancers from this niche still attach themselves to the extremely crazy niches in this industry. So, the saturation keeps getting deeper and the competition more intense. 

What should you have done differently? Constantly update your skills and portfolio and deliver to clients at optimal value. Also, don’t forget to keep up with your unique value proposition since it can distinguish you from the whole industry. 

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