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Top 6 Eco-friendly Practices for Remote Workers

Top 6 Eco-friendly Practices for Remote Workers

There are several ways by which productivity of remote workers can be improved. One of those methods is the taking of ecology practices as serious as other basic productivity tips. 

Sustainable freelancing is characterized by healthy and sufficient eco-friendly practices. These are practices that reduce the carbon footprint and intake of people, in this case remote workers and freelancers. 

With remote work, there is now a cut down in the use of fossil fuel, gas emission and improved air quality since all the factors contributing to those effects were caused by fuels used in traditional labor. 

Also, the harsh environmental conditions we are experiencing nowadays is due to the improper methods of managing the ecology and the atmosphere around us. 

Also, the fact that freelancers use gadgets and technology for their work source means that we are going to be susceptible to carbon effects too and a discrepancy of the ecological system on the long run. 

Before we proceed to the top 6 eco-friendly practices for remote workers, you might want to check out our article on 5 ideas on how to stand out in saturated freelance niches and marketplaces.

Now back to business. As discussed earlier, we are going to discuss how remote workers can contribute to improving the ecology situation around us and how to improve a healthy way of life. Let’s get started!

The 6 Eco-friendly Practices for Remote Workers

1. Reduce The Need for Artificial Light

Remote workers are a set of people that stay inside mostly all day working on their gadgets. At most times, we tend to forget there is nothing like natural light while being embellished in artificial light and electricity. 

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We should open our buildings up for natural lights to get inside and improve the ecological conditions of our home. Windows, louvres, doors or any opening that will give access to natural light should be opened. 

2. Do not Use or Waste Paper

Can we reduce the use of paper as remote workers? Ohh yes, we can.  Freelancers should endeavor to reduce the use of paper all the time, except in quite important circumstances. 

The need for paper use reduction keeps getting higher looking at how far the bringing down of pulp trees is going just for the creation of paper. Hence, by reducing the paper use, we can start seeing our natural resources getting back into fit. 

If at all you need paper, make use of notes app or software on your gadgets or opt for paperless notebooks such as rocket books to bite your stuff down. In extreme need of paper, use tree-free paper, though they might be a little bit more costly. 

3. Unplug equipment after use

The loss of energy in the environment due to different sources including electricity affects the ecology situation of the environment. Our gadgets as freelancers, suck energy from electricity and obviously, for a lengthy part of the day. 

The best way to reduce this is to switch off  our devices after use and also unplug our equipment when they are not in use. These will reduce those gadgets’ ability to keep feeding off the electric energy displaced to your home. And obviously, this will keep costing you no matter the situation. 

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4. Master the three R’s

What are the 3Rs of ecology – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. There are products that fall into the category of reducing their usage, which might in turn improve our quality of life. 

How about reusing? Some products can also be reused. While others such as glass bottles and metal cans can be recycled and reformed into something worthwhile again.

If you don’t know which kinds of products fall into these categories, you can check what EPA has to say about them and even, they can be of help if you wish to look into those products you are looking to just dispose and burn and how to make them of use again to the society. 

5. Choose Green Energy Sources 

Energy from electricity has been keeping the world on its toes for a while. And experts keep finding better alternatives with greener energy sources. One of those methods is the use of solar power. 

Solar source of power for homes and offices is one of the eco-friendly practices that will help to improve the energy restoration of the environment. Focusing on electricity energy alone deters the saving of this form of energy for other important uses. 

Instead go for solar power sources and other greener alternatives that can do the work. Funny enough, with these greener alternatives, you are going to be in full charge of your energy source. 

6. Eat Sustainable Foods

We are freelancers and one of the best advice I would offer to anybody in the gig economy is to eat the right kinds of foods. Seek foods that are in-season and freshly harvested from the agricultural source or farm. 

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Therefore, avoid buying canned or packaged foods to keep for the later. Just take foods that are in-trends at the moment and then later direct your appetite to those in-season when it reaches another season. Buying packaged foods or storing food products isn’t healthy advice if you want to sustain an eco-friendly nature. 


This post is all about eco-friendly tips for sustainable freelancing work, healthy and adequate output. That small impact you are planning to put in the ecosystem is going to add up with what the community is coming up with, hence, playing a major role. 

Nevertheless, aside from eco-friendly practices for freelancers, are you not interested in AI-friendly practices for freelancers? We have got a whole outline of AI tools that will improve your productivity and returns as a freelancer. 

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